Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Module 1: Long Exposure Effects and Light Painting

Learn how to light-paint like a pro! This module covers everything you need to know on capturing those beautiful illuminated long exposure photos you have been dreaming about. With over 60 pages reviewing different light sources describing what they do and how to use them, you won't ever find yourself in the dark without a bright idea! Taking long exposures of star trails and lightning is also covered. And if that isn't enough, you'll also enjoy the entire section on taking long exposures during the day. Oh, and if you don't have any Adobe® Photoshop® software at this point, don't worry. Most of the tricks in this module can be done right in-camera, with no Photoshop required. All you need is a DSLR camera. You will learn and discover...

  • The basic universal settings of every camera: Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO, and white-balance and how to master them for both day and night photography. These are essential settings that every photographer must know how to use before starting.

  • Dozens and dozens of light painting techniques with descriptions and examples
    light painting ideas

  • The secret tool that allows you to "airbrush" light onto any object with amazing accuracy

  • How and when to use Maglite® flashlights, LEDs, Laser Pens, Glow sticks, Glow-in-the-Dark Paint, Fire, Sparklers, Steel Wool, External Flashes and Flash Gels to create mind-blowing psychedelic light-painting photographs.

    light painting light toys

  • How to create complex symmetrical physiogram patterns, straight out of camera

    physiogram long exposure

  • How to take smoking hot photographs of fire and sparks! An in-depth tutorial on how you can use steel wool to capture amazing long exposures of sparks flying at high-speeds is also included.
    fire photography

  • How to create abstract yet beautiful illuminated background textures that you can place on top of other photos to give it that "worn down grungy vintage" effect.

    light texture

  • How to make and use "external flash stencils" to project any shape in any color in mid air

    light flash stencils for light painting

  • How to capture beautiful landscape nature photographs of lightning and star trails

    star trails long exposure with tree

  • How to blend several light-paintings together and transform them into complex "light-stitchings". This is the only trick in this module that requires Photoshop.
    light painting faces - "light stitchings"

  • The secret technique used to create mysterious glowing orbs

    orb light painting long exposure

  • How to take any blurry abstract photo and transform it into an intricate design

    intricate glowing symmetrical pattern

  • How to light-paint perfect circular shapes in any environment

  • How to take long exposure photographs during the day with the use of special filters in order to blur any sort of movement over a long period of time. Waterfalls are a classic example, but this also applies to clouds, beaches, and trees moving in the wind.

    day long exposure of waterfall

    Remember that almost all of the effects in this module are not computer generated, so you won't be be needing ANY kind of Adobe Photoshop software. The only thing you need is a basic DSLR camera. Even some point-and-shoot cameras will work too.

Module 2: Trick Photography and Special Effects

This module goes over the mind-blowing special effects and optical illusion techniques that add drama and surreal creativity to your images. Adobe Photoshop software is recommended for this module but isn't 100% essential for all the tricks. This module will show you how to blow people away with Optical Illusions, HDR Photography, Infrared Photography, 360 Planetoids and Tunnels, The Droste Effect, Spiral Planets, Time-Displacement Photography, Birefringence, The Orton Effect, The Harris Shutter Effect, and Multiple Exposures.

You will learn things like...
  • How to stop taking boring images and use HDR Photography to turn any dull photograph into a dramatic hyper-realistic image that "pops" with fantastic color and depth. This is extremely useful for capturing what your eye actually sees.

    HDR Mountain and sky

  • How to manually tone-map images in Photoshop to take full control over selective exposure

  • How to transform any regular landscape shot into a surreal colorful dream-world using infrared photography and color post-processing techniques

    IR Infrared Yellow Lake

  • How to get the widest angle view possible in any environment, without the need
    for any new lenses
    (and no, I am not talking about simply zooming out!)

  • The secrets behind turning any landscape into a "360 degree panorama". (This is probably the most comprehensive step-by-step guide written about this technique available today, and is worth the money of the entire e-book alone). You'll discover how to make tunnels, planets, and tunnels with planets inside of them.

    polar panoramas

    tiny planet

    double droste spiral - trick photography

    I'll even show you how to take these panoramas and turn them into spirals

  • How to use the Droste Effect to twist any picture into a never-ending abyss

    Droste Effect

  • How to create creepy supernatural photographs of ghosts and spirits (be careful with this one, your photo could end up on the local news!)

  • How to photograph your face being twisted, distorted, morphed, stretched, and bent in real 3D space by using Time-Displacement Photography

  • Over 10 mind-bending optical illusions that you can do straight out of the camera without using any special software or equipment. You'll learn about forced perspective, transparent screens, rotated perspective, birefringence, and shaped bokeh effects.

Module 3: Photoshop Projects

This module is filled with Photoshop-oriented projects. It is easy to follow and the tools are simple to use. You'll learn how to create shocking images using Multiplicity Photography, Levitation Photography, Floating Fruit, The Invisible Man Technique, Fake Tilt-Shift Photography, and Flesh Manipulations. There are also several "image-and-description" pages included. These are pages where I show you an image, and then tell you exactly how I made it.

If you don't have Photoshop, don't feel left out. I tell you where you can get it for cheap at the beginning of the e-book and
also give you a free alternative. In this module, you will learn....

  • How to use layer-masks and blending modes in Photoshop to combine multiple photos together (trust me, mastering just this one technique alone will give you an unlimited amount of creative ideas flowing through your head!)

  • How to use Photoshop to create "The Invisible Man". Two different step-by-step projects are included.

    Invisible man Bicyclist

  • How to take beautiful Levitation Photographs and edit them from start to finish. This technique makes anyone appear to be floating, flying, or levitating in any environment. You will also learn how to add realistic shadows underneath and behind the model's body.

    old levitation trick photogray

  • How to use photo-manipulation to digitally twist, bend, morph, and transform body parts to create your own creepy surreal monster

  • How to create multiple copies or 'clones' of any person in any environment

    Multiplicity Photography Trick

    The photo above got me a Creativity Award in an Oregon art contest and I've had several other images that won first place when I was only 17 and 18 years old. I've had people email me saying that their image won first place in photo competitions when they never won anything before. So remember, all the stuff I'll be teaching you in the e-book is not typical, but rather unique and creative.

    Most people (even established photographers!) have not seen anything like this stuff before, so learning these techniques will arguably give you an advantage when entering photo contests. I am not saying you will win every contest you enter, but you WILL have an advantage over the average person.)

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